Saturday 20 March 2010

The End of the Hard Slog.

The task of looking after a pair of girls whist their parents were away has not been an easy one.

Physically it was hard working 14 hour days with no break. As an introvert, I gain my energy from being solitary, so I felt I wanted to spend some time 'doing my own thing' after the girls went to bed and the kitchen sorted, so my evening didn't start until 10 pm. This meant I got to bed late each night.

The youngest wanted to go to sleep in my bed but I told her that if she woke up in the middle of the night, she was welcome to come into my bed, but she was to start off the night in her parent's bed with her sister. So that's what she did each night, and of course I woke up when she arrived.

I won't go into details of the problems due to missing parents but we used EFT tapping each day and I'm sure it helped some.

I really enjoyed the home education aspect of the time. It was lovely to see that learning was taking place incidentally all the time. For details of the activities we did, visit my other blog However, I was dismayed to hear from the mother that the children told her they wanted to go back to school. I think this may be due to the fact that their first week of home education coincided with their parents being away. I realise I didn't ask the mother the reason. This I must do before I jump to conclusions.

However much I like the girls and enjoy their company, I'm certainly glad to be able to hand them over to their mother now, in the early evening.