For the first time in my voting career my vote in these parliamentary elections may actually count!
I've always lived in an area which has been a safe Labour seat. This time, although the sitting MP is Labour, it isn't a safe seat. I usually vote Conservative because they are the only party, as far as I can see, who is as keen on personal responsibility as I am.
I have never voted Labour and never will, because the socialist party does not promote personal responsibility. In fact they have the opposite view, that it's the state that should take responsibility for the individual.
So you may think I'd be rejoicing, that this time, when I vote Conservative it might make a difference and contribute to the nation by creating another Conservative MP.
However, I have a problem and it's about the local Conservative candidate.
You see she is a mother of three young children and is separated from their father. Now, I'm sure at this point, some people who are keen on women's rights etc. will be getting a little hot under the collar and may even have stopped reading at this point.
Let me explain. I believe that young children need to have their mothers around and available for most of the time. This way, they feel secure and are able to grow up secure in the fact of their mother's love for them. The words "I love you" ring hollow to a child unless they see that love in action, and the action a young child understands is the loving attention the mother bestows on them. One of the largest problems of today's youth is that their mothers worked outside the home and had no time for them and this affected their self esteem. Of course this is a sweeping generalisation and there are also other factors involved, but the lack of loving attention bestowed upon the child by his mother has enormous consequences.
The period of time a child is young is so short when the life-span of the mother is taken into account. A woman taking full time care of her offspring is indeed contributing greatly to society by producing stable and caring citizens. She can certainly contribute to the wider society in other ways once her children aren't so dependent on her for their feeling of security.
So if I vote for the Conservative candidate and she wins the seat, then that would be good for the country, but bad for her children. However loving she is, and however quality the time she plans to spend with her children, they will lose out on quantity time with their mum. MPs spend long hours away from home in order to do their job properly. If I don't vote Conservative, and the Labour candidate retains the seat, it may be disastrous for the country but three children will be able to spend more time with their mother - or will they?